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11 Oct 2019

For many people the words ‘work’ and ‘social event’ shouldn’t be found in the same paragraph.  ‘Social event’ suggests an activity at which fun, relaxation and sharing are featured. “Work’ suggests, well, work. But most organizations have periodic social events at which attendance is encouraged.  These...

18 Sep 2019

From a student who sings the blues: “When school starts I feel behind already – there’s going to be so much to learn.” A student who sees a blessing: “I can’t wait to get back and start learning new things- and catching up on stuff I’ve forgotten.” Whether entering...

31 Aug 2019

Two 6 year olds overheard at their workplace – the playground: Chris:   C’mon, we’ll play with my new ball. Pat:  I’m not doing that- it’s dumb.  I’m climbing that slide. Chris:  It’s not dumb. Climbing is dumb.  I’m playing with the ball. Pat:  You’re an idiot.  That’s all you...

14 Aug 2019

Attending a class is wonderful: gathering info, sharing ideas, venting a little, hearing different perspectives.  Some of our classes have waiting lists! But sometimes a class doesn’t fit.  Sometimes a person has a communication need that others don’t have, so a group class isn’t available.  Sometimes...

09 Jul 2019

This rule could not be more simple.  People misuse these words because they haven’t learned the rule, but once learned it is simplicity itself. Is this confusing? I ate the apple. or Me ate the apple.  Of course not.  We all know that ‘I’ is the one...

21 Jun 2019

Unless you work in a one-person organization, you are part of a team. But wait~ even though there are others working in the same organization, we don’t work together.  So we aren’t really a team, right? Not exactly.  There are many kinds of teams.  Those who work...