

Halloween approaches and scary things appear, not the least of which is scary holiday language.

By scary I mean language that intends to frighten. Altho The Language Grinch is not opposed to holiday customs, and, in fact, goes forth in fine witch regalia on a faux scaring mission with Edgar, Dog at Work, who agreeably dons his devil horns, she does cringe at the holiday that allows us to say mean things. And it can’t be denied that scary language is the only Halloween thing that is not put away after the pumpkin seeds are swept off the sidewalk. Scary language seems now to be with us all year.

Witches and monsters get a pass on this holiday but some of them don’t know when to quit, and they hang around all year, boo-ing and bullying it up. Boo-hoo, I say.

Let’s be done with Boo now and move on to Yay!